
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nuts and Bolts- The Beginning

I'm adjusting well to working as an Interventionist. I can genuinely say that it is less work and more work all at the same time.

I ask myself these questions (among others) as I prepare my lessons:

  • Is this activity the most efficient and effective use of our time together?
  • Is this activity cross-curricular?
  • Is this activity able to generate data for my administrative team to see?
  • What can be done to extend this activity?
  • Does this activity have multiple ways of assessment?
  • Do my students have the prior knowledge needed for this activity?

In order to stream line and maximize my hour with the students, I have developed a rough routine.

1) Fluency Activities- I found that my students were unaware of their (lack) of ability to read accurately quickly. I use Reading A-Z Fluency Activities.

2) Close Reading Activity- I had been using the two resources provided to me by my school, but did not feel that the passages were applicable to daily life. I try to find passages that are relevant and interesting; they usually include a Social Studies Skill. Example: Dec. 7 is Pearl Harbor Day so we will work with a Pearl Harbor passage prior to the actual date so they will feel informed about the importance of the day.

4) Vocabulary- I am astonished at the poor vocabulary many students have, both past and present.
I am choosing to combat this in three ways- social scripting, academic vocabulary, general word knowledge.

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